With the Saxony, Elizabethan, Edwardian and Victorian standard styles; combination styles, lantern roof and large span options; every taste can be accommodated.
Beautify your home and enhance your living style with a BDS conservatory...
With all of the technology and craftsmanship
built into every conservatory, one factor
critical for a truly energy efficient product,
that also provides for a comfortable living
environment, is the glass package. That is
why Blue Diamond Conservatories, in
conjunction with other high technology glass
component suppliers, has developed one of
the most efficient insulated glazing systems
for our conservatories and portals.
EnviroGlaze is the ultimate
solution for year-round protection
and cost savings. As much as we all
love being outdoors the sun can sometimes
cause more harm than good.
Damaging UV light can destroy fine
furniture and art. Furthermore, a
poorly insulated unit can cause invisible
energy loss to you and your home.
EnviroGlaze Roof Argon Gas Filled - 4mm Tempered/6mm
The perfect balance for all climatic
environments specifically designed
for horizontal and sloped surfaces
which are exposed to the sun all hours
of the day.
- Frames Krypton Gas Filled - 4mm Tempered/4mm
Tempered For climates that have varying
degrees of temperature and humidity,
experience snowfall and rainfall at
least a quarter of the year.
- Frames Argon Gas Filled - 4mm Tempered/4mm
For climates that have high heat indexes
and experience high temperatures,
humidity, and are exposed to intense
UV light most of the year.
*EnviroGlaze data obtained
using L.B.L. (Laurence Berkeley Laboratories)
Window 5.2 analysis program (nfrc/ashae)
Compare EnviroGlaze to other products
and see the difference that this important
attention to detail can make in your energy
savings and living environment. Note especially the significant differences in the all important R& U Values that measure insulation comparative performance. EnviroGlaze™ excels in every criteria.